Right-o, isn't it marvelous to take a day off work and just go to the beach and be lazy all day? You can't really do this on the weekend due to the constant irritating screetches of babies and young ones, but smack dab in the middle of the week....a day at the beach (in Toronto) can be a darn relaxing thing. Toronto has a lot of beaches and the sand and water quality have been one of the cleanest in years. A few years ago it was dreadful and beaches closed left and right, but this year all signs are green. Studies have confirmed it; it's safe, it's fun and the water is very warm due to the high temperatures we've been experiencing this summer.
Here are some of the best places to check out if you crave the white sand and the soothing water.
East of DVP by the lake

The granddaddy of them all and most famous tho overcrowded
On Toronto Island if the name threw you off

Hard to get to, need to pay ferry or swim/paddle over there
GTA west in Mississauga

My favorite just because of convenience, it's right next door
Smack in the middle of Downtown

The newly opened and much touted beach right in the middle of downtown. Swimming is prohibited here, so it's a bit like jacking off without the payout. Go there if you just want to sit in the sun and bake, but by that token why not go out in your driveway and set up a towel.
1.5hrs east of TO

This one is a bit far to the east, but a truly hidden gem
Cost: Free, but that last one will charge you a $13 park fee
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