Three men died on Christmas Eve and are met by Saint Peter at the gates of Heaven.
"In honor of this holy season" Saint Peter says, "You must each possess something that sybolizes the spirit of Christmas if you want to get into heaven".
The first man, worried, fumbles through his pockets and pulls out a lighter. He flicks it on and says "This represents a candle".
"You may pass through the gates" Saint Peter says.
The second man, visibly worried, reaches into his pockets and pulls out a set of keys. He starts shaking them and says, "These are Christmas bells."
"You may pass through the gates" Saint Peter says to him as well.
The third man panics. starts searching desperately through his pockets....then after a while he finally pulls out a pair of beautiful women's panties.
St. Peter looks at the man with a raised eyebrow and asks "Umm, and just what do those symbolize?"
The man replies, "These are Carols." :)

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