So if you live in the Toronto area you probably woke up to something like this:

My back yard at 9am.
Now before we move any further I do need to remind you that all images in this post have been digitally remastered in full 3D. That's right, we're in the 3D era with the movies, the tv's and our games all in 3D, so I need to conform and cater to the demand out there. But fear not my young friend, you too can experience the beauty of 3D with your very own glasses I made especially for you. So please print and cut out these official Alex™ brand winter glasses and apply them to your head. In fact, this is an order, for if you attempt to look without the proper equipment your retina may implode in ways your cornea never thought possible, and I will not be held liable.

There, now we can continue. So, if you enjoy the unexpected pileup outside thanks to our great lake Ontario, then the best place to be for white powder is tobogganing at Riverdale Park.

The second best place to be for white powder.
It is hands down the best sledding joint in town, with amazing Toronto skyline views and steep hill that will build adrenaline on your way down. It seems like yesterday, rushing down a steep hill after school, dodging trees on the way down, until that one tree right at the bottom and right in the middle of the slope with my name on it, pulled me in for a maximum speed impact. This tree claimed fatalities before, but quick thinking allowed me to bail out at the last time. Unfortunatelly thanks to this guy and his wacky findings, the sled went in crashing dead on the tree, followed by my soft young flesh. Good thing that imense pile of aluminum and wood was there to absorb the impact of the crash. I donated my share of blood that day for my homies 6' under, but lived to sled another day.

The proper way to sled - ie. away from the trees.
Cost: Free
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