Monday the 21st is upon us, which means it's that time of the year...Family Day. Familientag in German, Dia da familia in Portuguese, and OMG Day-off-work-yea!!!! in Canadian. Little known fact, all Canadians get an immediate hard-on when the words "day off" are uttered, as millions of endorphins are flooding the overworked Canadian front lobe. (No, really.)

This is where where you can jump off and end the miserable cubicle life eh!
So, with a day off this Monday, half of us will be too shitfaced to do anything productive. For the rest of us, you have a variety of Family Day events, though most are recommended to be accomplished without family presence. I mean the Gods already smiled upon you and bestowed you with a day off, why in the hell would you ruin it by dragging your family into it?
You can go up to CN Tower for half price with a party of 3 (so two people is not family wtf?)
Family day at the Toronto Zoo. Those guys have been trying to get a Panda loaner now for years. You may want to wait for that one.
The ROM has something special, whatever it is it's family themed.
If you like the Leafs (or don't like and have a special molotov cocktail with their names on it), they organized a special skate and autograph session with some Maple Leafs has-been's at the Centre for Hockey Excellence. I think GM Burke will be there too, so once this Kaberle deal is completed (just annouced as I write this), you can go and let him know in person what you thought of it.
And if you actually do have young kids and do want to spend time with them on Family Day, you father-of-the-year you, the Family Day Fest seems like a good choice.

Father-of-the-year material

Sleazeball-of-the-year material
Cost: Varies, most are affordable
so what did u do?
I worked...haha.
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