May 23, 2012


MMOWGLY's next project is finally here. I've been sitting here patiently on their waiting list since fall of last year and my invitation finally arrived in my inbox last week. What is MMOWGLY? A game. What kind of game? A real life game. It's basically an opportunity to work for the US Navy, but you don't need to be a US citizen and they don't pay you, but will gladly use your ideas. But don't take my word for it, here is the official description from the email:

MMOWGLI (massive multiplayer online wargame leveraging the internet) is an online game designed to find and collectively grow breakthrough solutions to some of our most urgent problems. In 2011, thousands of players contributed tens of thousands of ideas to turn the tide of global sea piracy. But the next problem for us to tackle is even more urgent: energy security as a national security issue.

Last year the US Navy commission the public to play the game, get points, but at the same time help them in their quest to stop Somali sea pirates. What started as ideas and discussions on a computer screen, quickly morphed into actionable strategies and missions in the Gulf of Aden. This year the "game"'s theme is energy security and moving the US Navy away from non-renewable sources, such as oil. Join me on the virtual battlefield to make a difference.

Uncle Sam wants you

Cost: free