Whether you want to vent your anger or stress, or just like slapping balls around, then this is a great sport for you. There are dozens and dozens of driving ranges around the GTA with very affordable prices, Google and ye shall find. Yes, this is a good sport for the summer, and no this is not golf. Just to clear things up, golf is not a sport. It's an excuse for lazy bums or big shot executives who never lifted a finger in their lives.

It's also a great hobby for senior citizens, killing time before the inevitable. Dont get me wrong, some of the players in the PGA are very skilled, but sadly this aint no sport...which explains the flocking of Bay Street types who see it as some sort of power status. If you're in the industry you're getting bombarded with this constantly.."Yep, gonna head up to <insert name> Valley Course this weekend". Or "Yea, I'm heading up for a douchebag tournament up north...we all line up in a neat row, put on an arrogant grin for the group pictures, and spend the majority time in the golf cart, because God forbid I should do any sort of exercise in this manly 'sport'.". Or the infamous cheer-leading spouse/family member who manages to actually break the moronic levels set by our golfer protagonist and start blabbing to anyone and everyone about "Oh, my brother is always at the country club, he just bought a new set of clubs" or "Yea, speaking of a good pie recipe, my husband is taking his clients for a round of golf this weekend".
You want to make a sport out of it, take your buddies to a driving range and hit the mofos as hard as your muscles can take. Screw form, attire, golfing carts..just hit that mother as far as your guns can drive it. Make a bet out of it with the most sissy shot out of the group getting something stupidly or embarrassing coming to him.
You want to fast forward a date, take your honey to the putting mini-golf (at night) and use the circumstances to get away with a full on grope. If you're a lady use the put put chance to get some groin shots in to get the aforementioned ideas out of his head.
And stay away from the courses, save them for retirement. The only way you should get close to an 18-hole is if it's that 3-breasted alien chick from Total Recall, although if she did have 18 of something it would be a little too weird. You want a real sport for executives, play tennis. That's what the big shots do in Europe and at least that requires some endurance and effort.
Cost: $10-20 for an entire afternoon of ball slapping
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