Perhaps a few centuries ago I would've recommended this spot, but these days Scenic Caves over near Wasaga Beach are a total ripoff. First of all there is no wilderness left..between the concrete, trash bins, sign posts on every tree, and railings with steps in place of a trail? Really? If you hope to be exploring some caves on your own keep in mind there's only 2-3 opened to the public, and they are very shallow..just a few steps in. This is not the place to go for cave exploring or hiking in the wilderness. Truth be told Ontario is not very good when it comes to caves. Among the commercial ones you've got Bonnechere Caves, Scenic Caves, Tyendinaga Cavern, and the Warsaw Caves. Among them I would recommend the last one since it appears to be left its natural state and not too commercialized. For best cave exploration head on to the Rockies on the west side.

Cost: $21 + tax (overpriced)
sounds like you pissed about losing $21(+tax)*2!
Yea..well truth be told that amount was worth it for the ride there and back. Ontario countryside away from the highways can be pretty cool. Stay away from that place tho, not worth it. Tho I did find out I'm quite claustrophobic even in caves fully furnished with handrails and electricity.
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