Yes I know it's with an 'a', but I prefer the german metal band spelling. If you're looking for something to do this sunday, Halloween it is. Or maybe this?? Hmm..tough choice, but since pot usually just doesnt do it for me, first one it is...halloween stuff!

Slutty french maid costume: acceptable
Now you can go trick-or-treating, but if you were eligible to vote last Monday then you cannot participate in this activity - it's one or the other buddy. Least ye be known as the creepy masked stranger with the bag of candy and the suspicious van.

Slutty vampire costume: not bad
Next there are plenty of freight fest events throughout the city. Ranging from all ages to adults only, and from free to quite expensive. You also have your run of the mill nightclubs who you can bet all be hosting some sort of costume themed party all night long.

Slutty Pebbles Flintstone? Wait that's just wrong, and if that turns you on your name needs to be on a special list.
Or you can just stay home, enjoy the quiet night, dish out the candy and scare the living shit out of the little tikes who wonder onto yer door. Ah, yes I think I'm gonna have some fun this year. Candies will taste sweeter with an endorphin high after the adrenaline rush of a lifetime.
Cost: Free
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