This is just silly now.
Just hit the 10,000 emails mark on my current primary account. We wont go into the other six accounts, seven if you want to count FB mail. Why so many? Well let's just say I like to keep things organized. You wouldn't just have one bank account, now would you?
Surprizingly this is the account I keep safe (well until now when it's public). Goes back about 6 years so not that long. Current spam is about 140 in the spam folder (I get none in my inbox). So what's the explanation then?
Well not to toot my own horn, but a few years ago when I was single and tomcatting around I do remember posting a profile on one of them dating honest profile. The swarm of messages received daily from eligible honeys literarly drove me to cancel it soon thereafter. I'm not saying that amounted to 10k emails, but a sizable chunk nevertheless.

Cost: 6 years of your life
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