Ah, remember those times..skating on the lake, on thin ice, watching your friends fall in the icy water? Good times...good times! Well, thanks to today's -15°C temperatures (sans windchill), our ponds should be frozen solid. But seriously, don't go on lake Ontario intself, you'll do a rendition of Titanic, never before seen.
But you can go to one of this city's skating rinks. They are open, they are frozen, and they are cheap as hell even if you dont have any equipment. I do advise you to skip the rink over at Mel Lastman square. It's not that good and, well, it has that douchebag's name attached to it.

Mel Lastman: This guy puts former mayor Siaka Stevens to shame
What you need to do is head over to Harbourfront Centre. It's cool, it's hip, it's right downtown, and it's great in the daytime with its lakeview..umm..views, and cool lights and dance atmosphere in the nighttime. Next Saturday I am there, and you should join me, as every Saturday they bring in some B-class DJs that are so much better than C-class DJs. This Saturday you have DJs DLUX and JEDI, as well as some electro and techno stuff. Plus the weather is cooperating at just 2 below freezing forecasted. Any colder and you'll be a popsicle, any warmer and it'll be a slushy mess. Come join me for some skating fun.

Harbourfront Centre - daytime shown. Not pictured: Nighttime madness.
Cost: $7 bucks for adult skate rentals ALL DAY...cmon is that cheap or what?
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