Playdium over in the West end used to be cool....back 10-15 yrs ago when it opened. It was state of the art, it had all the addictive arcade games, and didn't have any real competition from the PC or console game world. We did not have the broadband internet speeds we do now, speeds that can beam up games off the internet and into our computers faster than Capt Kirk. Nowadays 80% of the gaming population is occupied with...

...or this

The other 20% is on Xbox and the Wii, consoles that were bland, repetitive and weak back in the 90's, but changed with technology and brought innovation.
What they could have done, given current times, is give people fun group games, where you can bring friends and have some quick fun. Instead the geniuses went from... this

Never too early to teach kids to go chase the easy money
Playdium of the 90's was the Martin Sheen of video games entertainment, while current Playdium is the Charlie Sheen of last week. At first you refuse to believe, followed by scratching your head in confusion, followed by a bout of pity, and finally acceptance it's never gonna be the same.
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People still got to SEGA Pladium? Remember SEGA? Ahh, the good old days of Nintendo vs. Sega.
Not many, I went on a weekend evening - when most people go out, and it was deserted. And I was serious about the coin games above, they occupy half of the floor at the current Playdium. It was truly sad.
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