May 23, 2011

Rouge Park

Living in a huge metropolis such as good ol' T.O., we get the benefit of quite a few advantages. We've got it all...

Toronto Caribana
Decent festivals

Billy Elliot
Gay shows

Toronto nightlife
Amazing nightlife - "You're the firestarter..twisted firestarter"

Toronto skyline
And a dreamy city skyline

What we're short of is green space...nature..wilderness. We don't have much of that, even outside of TO in the suburbs. If you live in the area go to a park near you. Quick..what do you notice? Let's take High Park as an example (after all it's quite a big one). Well, first you have the traffic to fight to get there. When you have to wait 20 min on the park's roads to get a parking spot it kinda puts a damper on your day. Then you have the wave after wave of tourists...and the locals..and their dogs...and their children..and their garbage..and their noise...and there goes the wilderness.

Enter Rouge Park. It's close to us, it's protected, and most families don't have a clue about it. Actually it's not very "family friendly" at all, which is a blessing upon the park, as it helps it tenfold, keeping it a jewel of 'protected nature' within our concrete polluted city.

Rouge Park map
This is where IT is

Toronto Rouge Park
And this is what you find in IT.

What you will find is lots of unspoiled trails, reminding me of the Carpathian mountains trails or the Himalayan trails. I would suggest exploring those trails now in the Spring season, as summer will undoubtedly see an increase in human disturbance. The flora and fauna is exquisite and the remoteness feeling you will get is quite worth it. Go out and enjoy nature..this is one thing we can add as an advantage to our city.

Tip #1: Go early. Due to it being adjacent to the Toronto Zoo, past 11AM you will see a huge line of cars waiting to get in and park. This month the approx wait time is one hour, come summer it will be even longer. Being there early also increases your chances of spotting some of the park's resident tenants, such as the deer or the friendly coyote.

Tip #2: Bring lots of water. There are no bullshit concession stands or any other city amenities. The heat will get to you and the river water isn't exactly pure, but you'll need to stay hydrated on the trails. Bring a snack..pack it with the water. It's handy and it's the only food you'll find there. Bring it from home and enjoy a picnic out by the river.

Tip #3: Bring mosquito repellant. The numerous swamps in the area are notorious fertile grounds for mosquitoes and they will bleed you dry..guaranteed.

Tip #4: Bring comfortable hiking shoes and dress for all types of weather. The sun is merciless when you are out in the open, while the forest inside can be 10°C cooler. Be prepared for rain too.

Cost: Free


Neeraj said...

Nice.. I didn't know about this. Will have to plan this for some day.

Dude plan a biking outing...

Alex said...

I went shopping for bike racks this weekend for my car. I found some good sturdy but cheap ones I can install on my trunk...holds up to 3 bikes. Finally I can hook up my mountain bike and take it up north to some gnarly trails. I can't wait.