The first long weekend of the warmer months is here and best way to enjoy it is family time. If you think about it, it's perfect timing. You're still a little hung over from the long winter, the weather outside is muddy, and shitty raining, and downright cold when the sun ain't out. There's not many events goin on as we're still in spring here. Aside from this, you really don't have many choices, so why not pay attention to your family now, spend quality time together for one last time before the summer gets here and you gone. Then you don't have to get bothered with them until thanksgiving.

You corrupted my sweet baby girl you vagabond.
I'll teach you to 74-5 my daughter right now you pervert.
So, the idea is spend time with your family while you're all on good terms. Victoria Day is boring otherwise, take the time and put in the community service family hours.
If you have kids I suggest family day at rogers centre, err SkyDome (sorry) this Saturday May 21. They will LOVE it. You can watch a blue jays game ( don't really have to, just loiter in the downtown area until the game finishes). But the little tikes may enjoy it and afterwards there's a whole day planned with activities, everything from autographs to movies, activities and a camp out on the field for the night. What better setting for camping under the stars (or dome) than smack dab in the middle of downtown TO?

The CO2 fumes are my ambien and the traffic is my soothing sleeping music.
So if you a dad, do it for them. You can slip out of your tent once they're asleep, pop open a couple of cold ones and head over to the next tent where the hot sorority girls are shacking up and having the pillow fights, and ... eating corn? Maybe.

"Hey sexy mamas, room for one more if your tent? I have protection..extra strenght Bengay!"
Cost: $100 (which includes the Jays game, dinner and activities) tho expect a $5 bottle water rape and $20 beer rape. It's Skydome after all.
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