Yes, I'm talking about
<----- this-a-one.
A lot of posts here deal with cool stuff to do that does not cost a lot of money. Stuff that students and the unemployed can often afford. Stuff that provides quality and entertainment for a reasonable price. Sometimes the price is a little high, but so is the value and entertainment gained from it. But when you have an asshole(s) behind a product or service, you get this, and this, and more recently this.
Wait, what?
In case you did not click on that last link, it tells of CN Tower offering walking tours on the outside of its top. Something like this

Now you know me, I'm the first guy in the pool, up for any extreme adventure. But wait till you hear the details, and the rape you are about to get via its price tag. Now the details start out promising. It's built by the AJ Hackett group, which has built a lot of cool stuff like this in other parts of the world. It's the only thing of its kind in North America. It's...err...well that's all the good stuff.
The bad stuff begins and ends with the price tag, a whopping $200 after HST for 30 min of 'walking'. How bout the restrictions in place - for example you only have the drop on one side, whereas other skywalk towers done by the same group outside of north america can have drops on both sides...much more exhilarating. How about the group factor? 6-8 people per walk, ensures every photo of you will have 6 other strangers in the view ruining the moment. How about the no-personal cameras allowed? Why? So they can charge upwards of $20 or more PER PHOTO post walk. You want to brag or remember your walk, folk over $100 more. And don't give me the safety issue, the same skywalk on the Macau tower offer you the option to give your camera to the guide for safety and he'll take all the shots on your own damn camera. These thieves have sunk to a level lower than the North Atlantic Pickpocketing Duck, also known as the five-finger discount quack.

The North Atlantic Pickpocketing Duck seen here operating as a family business
Now I've had first-hand experiences with a skywalk like this in Macau, so I can make a direct comparison between the Macau skywalk (or the others currently outside of north america), and the CN Tower Canadian version of it that's about to hit our city. Keep in mind, they're built and maintained by the exact same group. Before you decide if it's worth it for you, consider the following:

So what have we learned? Hopefully you are a little more wiser now and realize this activity is a PASS. Not fit for any budget, not fit for fun, not fit for Toronto.
Cost: 200 freakin dollars plus some exorbitant amount for photos
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