This weekend, Woofstock in the downtown core is here..."300,000 dog lovers and their four-footed friends coming together each year for this wildly popular doggie love-in!". If that place is a'humping...don't go a'knocking! Actually what you'll get is a couple of days of dog shows, stoopid dog tricks and dogs dressed as <insert humiliating character here>. But speaking of stoopid dogs..I will let our friends from 2 Stupid Dogs explain you what this event is all about:

Well our yokel friend over there is correct. It's a great festival to honor our four-legged friends. There'll be dogs as far as the eye can see and if you are a cat person, than this is the absolute worse time to bring out Mrs Whiskers. Unless Mrs Whiskers is the kitten-spawn of Chuck Norris' cat and Steaven Seagal's (asian looking but actually full on white) cat. Then you get something like this, and for the love of Jeff, keep it away from this festival...AIEEEE!!!!

Judo Chop HAI!
Cost: Free
It's a dog's world man!
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