Quick what does
This | This | |
![]() | AND | ![]() |
have in common???
Well, the answer is everything. Those are just two synonyms to describe the same entity. This week I was (un)fortunate enough to experience the Naga Jolokia pepper, or sometimes called the Ghost Chili. According to Guiness World Records, it is the hottest, spiciest, meanest pepper on the planet. It is grown in a remote region between India and Bangladesh, by the tribal inmates of an insane asylum, who have gone completely postal. Stories have been told of the native elders believing that capital punishment and death row is too lenient for the most heinous of crimes, so this pepper was invented to punish those most deserving of absolutely the most despicable acts of violence and/or crime. Those unfortunate enough to be sentenced to such a punishment, would receive a dose of this chili pepper and forced to ingest it, soon thereafter the gates of hell opening and swallowing them whole, dragging them straight to hell.
The preceding was not a metaphor. You see, there's a thing called the Scoville Scale. This was invented to measure the distance between normal and melting point of steel. This way we can categorize all of our peppers according to this scale..hot - hotter - hottest - death incarnate - Naga Jolokia.

Now you see how your run-of-the-mill jalapeno grocery store pepper or tabasco sauce is at a mere 2,500 heat units, while the Naga is at a bone crushing 855,000 - 1,463,000 heat units. Yea that is totally accurate.
However in the name of science we decided to perform a test. Valuable data was collected and numerous hypotheses were drawn (mostly around the fact the Naga is the spawn of Satan).
To maintain consistency, our volunteer (let's call him Alex) was instructed to take a whole bite of the entire pepper pod. He was to consume the entire pepper, chew it thoroughly (including the seeds) and then provide a status update every 10 seconds.
The camera began recording at 17:00:00 Eastern Standard Time on June the 11th, 2011.
Location: classified.
The entire crew, including the experiment subject were never heard from again. The following footage has been discovered and now posted for the first time:

Pepper is introduced to the subject

The subject is instructed to devour the entire pepper pod, including seeds.
Not pictured the cattle prod used for morale.

Subject collapses in a heap of pain. Protocol B is initiated.

Flames observed from under the floorboards. Intense heat. Mayday, mayday! WHOSH!! AAAHHH!
Man that don't look like pepper... are you sure it wasn't some animal part?? lol
Well if you haven't seen this particular type of pepper then you don't know what it looks like.
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