Welcome bro.
Today the first Target Canada stores opened up in Ontario. In a country where retail monopoly is synonymous with "the true north strong and free", I for one am happy to see one more US giant come and shake things up, bringing U.S. discounts that make America the true land of opportunity. We've come a long way from having just 3 retailers in the entire country (bay, zellers, eaton's), 3 telecom companies (bell, rogers, telus), and 3 fast food joints (have no clue which, but a lot less than the choices we have today).
Now don't expect prices at Target Canada to be on par with Target US, despite identical products and identical cost of manufacturing. The first words out of the spokesperson's mouth were plenty of excuses why Canadians should pay more. "In Canada, we can source the material for just the same price they can in the States. The difference is in the labour cost. Minimum wage higher, there are more public holidays, for instance, to be paid for out of sales," he said. I put this quote into Bing to translate it but all it spit back was something about my momma and how Google sucks, so let me do the translation for you: "In Canada, we can sodomize the people a lot easier without those pussies fighting back, so we can afford to charge more for flimsy reasons". But I'm used to this garbage after seeing Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Newegg pull the same shit.
Bottom line is that there's more competition and that's a good thing. They are somewhat on par with walmart and even though we pay more at Canada's walmarts, I'm pleased with their stores, selection, and prices.
Cost: See walmart
There is more competition in the US, so they have cheaper prices. A chicken burger at McDees in the US is only 2 bucks...
Too bad Zellers had to go, otherwise we would have had even more competition.
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